• Research foci

    • Customer Relationship Management
    • Sales Management
    • Direct Marketing
  • Education

    1994- 2000
    Habilitation, title "Kundenbindung und Kundenwert“(Customer Retention and Customer Value)
    1990- 1994
    Ph.D., dissertation title "Außendienstentlohnung im Licht der Neuen Institutionenlehre“ (Sales Force Compensation in Light of New Institutional Economics)
    1987- 1988
    University of Oslo, Norway
    1985- 1990
    Business Administration, Lueneburg University
  • Positions

    Visiting Professor at University of Auckland, New Zealand
    Visiting Professor at University of Auckland, New Zealand
    Visiting Professor at University of Houston, USA
    Visiting Honorary Professor at University of Loughborough, England
    Visiting Professor at Duke University, Durham, USA
    Visiting Professor at Università di Bocconi, Milan
    since 2003
    Director of the Institute of Marketing at the University of Muenster
    Visiting Professor at INSEAD, France
    Visiting Professor at Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
    2000- 2003
    Director of the Otto-Beisheim Endowed Chair of Marketing at WHU, Vallendar
    1999- 2000
    Interim director of the Otto-Beisheim Endowed Chair of Marketing at WHU, Vallendar
  • External functions

    since 2023
    Mitglied, Beirat, WWU Weiterbildung gemeinnützige GmbH
    2019- 2020
    Chairman of the Scientific Commission Marketing in the Academic Association for Business Research e.V.
    since 2017
    EMAC Fellow
    since 2017
    DSEF Fellow
    since 2017
    Member of the Senior Advisory Board of "Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management" (JPSSM) (Jourqual: B)
    since 2015
    Member of the Editorial Board of „Journal of Retailing“ (Jourqual: A)
    Faculty Fellow, AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
    Faculty Fellow, AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
    01/2014- 12/2016
    Editor in Chief of the "Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management" (JPSSM) (Jourqual: B)
    since 2013
    Member of the Advisory Board of "Sales Management Review"
    since 01/2011
    Member of the Editorial Board of „Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management“ (JPSSM) (Jourqual: B)
    since 05/2010
    Member of the Datenschutzbeirat (Data Protection Council) of Deutsche Bahn, serving as an advisor to DB’s CEO and board of directors
    Faculty Fellow, AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
    Faculty Fellow, AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
    since 01/2008
    Member of the Editorial Board of "Journal of Interactive Marketing" (JIM) (Jourqual: B)
    since 01/2007
    Member of the Editorial Board of „International Journal of Research in Marketing“ (IJRM) (Jourqual: A)
    2005- 2011
    National Representative for Germany in the European Marketing Academy EMAC, Brussels, Belgium (Member since 1998)
    2004- 2009
    Area Editor Marketing for "Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft" (now: "Journal of Business Economics")
    since 2003
    Member of the Editorial Board of "Die Betriebswirtschaft" (DBW)
    since 2002
    Member of the Advisory Board of "THEXIS" / "Marketing Review St. Gallen"
    01/2002- 12/2015
    Member of the Advisory Board of „Journal of Research and Management“ (Marketing ZfP)
  • Appointments

    John Merrill Endowed Professorship in Consultative Sales, University of Texas at Arlington
    Professorship for Marketing, Vienna University of Business and Economics
    Professorship for Marketing (C4) offered by University of Muenster
    Professorship for Marketing (C4) offered by University of Cologne